Morning Announcements
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December 04
Friday, December 4

Announcements for Friday– December 4, 2015
A reminder to all walking students that you are expected to stay on the sidewalks and use the marked crossing lanes. Reports from buses have indicated that students are jumping onto the road and the fear is that someone may be hit by a bus or car. With the arrival of winter weather, we are asking that all students be mindful of the road and sidewalk conditions and be safe.
Important meeting for all students on the Grade 8 Quebec trip today at 12:15 in the gym.
This is a reminder of rehearsal for Grade 7/8 band members today at lunch.
Are you a master at the Yo-Yo?  Take dance lessons?  Do you beat on the drum day and night?  QMS is having a talent show!  Audition sign-up is outside the Music room.  We look forward to seeing and hearing your unique talents!
Sports News:
Congratulations to the Varsity boys Basketball team on defeating RNS last night.
The gym will be closed at lunch due to the grade 8 Quebec Trip meeting.
We are looking for Basketball score keepers for Monday (JV boys), Tuesday (Varsity Boys), Thursday (Varsity boys and Varsity girls) and Friday(JV girls) - please see Mr. Long if available.
Have you figured out who the mystery teacher of the week is? Remember that this teacher likes video games, has taken lots of dance lessons and she has travelled to many countries around the world. Mme. Cyr certainly lives an interesting life! Ask her about her adventures, maybe she’ll show off her dance abilities in the talent show!  Stay tuned on Monday for clues about the next mystery teacher, this will be a weekly feature in the announcements.
Birthday Today:
            Owen Sherwood
            Joshua McGillan
            Ethan Dever


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